PDT Identity Token - where do I look on PayPal to find it?

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12 Jahre weitere
I've clicked nearly every link on my PayPal business account and can't find the PDT IdentityToken needed to set up the PayPal standard setup for NOP Commerce 2.50.
The directions on the admin side for the plugin appear to be incorrect.
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click the Profile subtab.
3. Click Website Payment Preferences in the Seller Preferences column. (there is no "Website Payment Preferences" that I can find here)
4. Under Auto Return for Website Payments, click the On radio button.  (found this)
5. For the Return URL, enter the URL on your site that will receive the transaction ID posted by PayPal after a customer payment (http://www.yourStore.com/Plugins/PaymentPayPalStandard/PDTHandler).
6. Under Payment Data Transfer, click the On radio button.
7. Click Save.
8. Click Website Payment Preferences in the Seller Preferences column. (WHERE?)
9. Scroll down to the Payment Data Transfer section of the page to view your PDT identity token. (WHERE?)

PayPal must have changed this since the instructions were written - no PDT to be found (PayPal's help explains what it is, but there's no explanation of WHERE I can find!)

12 Jahre weitere

Can't get any feedback from PayPal (except canned messages with incorrect instructions).  Maybe my PayPal account is not set up correctly?
11 Jahre weitere
although I haven't got mine completely working..............

The 'token' is displayed

In Paypal
My Selling preferences
Website preferences - edit
Scroll down PDT token should be displyed.

Hope this helps a bit
11 Jahre weitere
Ok - finally have time to look at this again.

I click the Profile tab.
Here are the options (on the left):

My business info
My money
My settings
My selling tools

Still have no idea where to look.
There is no link anywhere called "My Selling Preferences"

Is there something special I need to do?
The account is verified in every sense and is a business account (does it need to be a personal account perhaps?)

This is madness - there should be somebody out there that has the same PayPal screen as I do (and the other 3,000 people who Google'd "where the @#$@!! is the PDT token in PayPal".
11 Jahre weitere
OMG - it just gets worse,  PayPal does not allow forum posts and their online help is useless.

I wish Nop's forum would allow image uploads - I could post screen captures (I swear I'm not crazy - the links just aren't there!)
11 Jahre weitere
I feel for you beefy dog.  

Mine is a personal account,  maybe that is why it is different.

You can call paypal, 08707 307 191
I did once (on a completely different topic) and they were qite helpful

Good Luck
11 Jahre weitere
I set up with a different merchant account -
PayPal's set up is an exercise in madness (not to mention 3 times more expensive), so I'm just cancelling the account.

I've worked on other websites for other clients and found (from their stat's logs) that only about 1 out of 50 customers actually used PayPal, so I don't see the point.

Maybe I'll lose 2% of my sales, but, with razor thin profit margins, PayPal service charges on sales will just munch any profit, IMO.
10 Jahre weitere
I'm in the same situation as beefydog right now.

Has anyone been able to find their PDT number?
10 Jahre weitere
I have a personal account and you can find it under.

My Account
My Selling Tools
Website Preferences (click the update button to the right)
10 Jahre weitere
I was looking for the PDT token too, but after looking everywhere for it no avail. UNTIL, I saved my changes in the "Website Preferences". This is what I did (I have a business account so I'm guessing for the other kinds of accounts):

1. Log into your Paypal account

2. Under the "My Account" tab, click on "Profile"

3. Under "Selling Online" look for "Website Preferences" and click "Update"

4. Scroll down and you must turn ON both the "Auto Return" and "Payment Data Transfer"

5. Input a return URL and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page

6. This is the most important part. Once you scroll down, click the "SAVE button.

7. Once you save, you will obtain your PayPal® PDT Identity Token.
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