sitemapseo appears in Google-results

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11 Jahre weitere
I'm using NopCommerce 2.5. My problem is that my sitemap (url/sitemapseo) appears as a page/link in the Google-results. When a user click on this resultlink it will be redirected to my sitemapseo-page (xml). I dont want that. How can I prevent this?

11 Jahre weitere
Open your robots.txt file and and the following line:
Disallow: /sitemapseo
11 Jahre weitere
Thx. I have added it.

Another question. It seems that my productdetailpages are not indexed in google. It only shows the overviewpage where the specific product is listed. I rather have that a customer is directed to the detailpage of the specifiec product. I'm using the the default robots.txt. Do I miss something?

User-agent: *
Disallow: /sitemapseo
Disallow: /bin/
Disallow: /content/files/
Disallow: /install
Disallow: /compareproducts
Disallow: /clearcomparelist
Disallow: /login
Disallow: /logout
Disallow: /cart
Disallow: /wishlist
Disallow: /emailwishlist
Disallow: /checkout
Disallow: /onepagecheckout
Disallow: /checkout/shippingaddress
Disallow: /checkout/billingaddress
Disallow: /checkout/shippingmethod
Disallow: /checkout/paymentmethod
Disallow: /checkout/paymentinfo
Disallow: /checkout/confirm
Disallow: /checkout/completed
Disallow: /orderdetails
Disallow: /returnrequest
Disallow: /passwordrecovery/confirm
Disallow: /newsletter/subscriptionactivation
Disallow: /customer/activation
Disallow: /customer/forumsubscriptions
Disallow: /emailwishlist
Disallow: /boards/postedit
Disallow: /boards/postdelete
Disallow: /boards/postcreate
Disallow: /boards/topicedit
Disallow: /boards/topicdelete
Disallow: /boards/topiccreate
Disallow: /boards/topicmove
Disallow: /boards/topicwatch
Disallow: /boards/forumwatch
Disallow: /privatemessages
Disallow: /inboxupdate
Disallow: /sentupdate
Disallow: /sendpm
Disallow: /viewpm
Disallow: /deletepm
11 Jahre weitere
I still having problems with my sitemap (sitemapseo.aspx) in my Google developerstool. I receive the message:

URL limited by robots.txt : there is an error opening with opening your sitemap.

For the content of my robots.txt see previous post. I'm using NC 2.5

Can anyone bring show light in my darkness?

11 Jahre weitere
Well ofcource because there is an entry for disallowing the sitemapseo but when I remove thus url then my sitemap url will show up in Google and that is also not what I want.

How can I accomplish to exclude my sitemapseo.aspx from google but still being able to submit a sitemap?

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