contact form on bottom of Screen with French localization

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14 Jahre weitere
When installing the French language pack (1.2) switching from english to French with the same template moves the contact form from the right location to the bottom of the screen.
With this behaviour we can't move on
i can't be the first with this problem

please help
14 Jahre weitere
The language pack only changes the language strings, not the layout. So probably one of the French strings that is used on that page, is very long and is disrupting the right column with its length.
Look up the long strings in Administration > Localization > French and try to shorten them.
14 Jahre weitere
i can't find the problem in the nop_localstringresourcetable, all the frenc texts are shorter then the English
the html code generated is identical including all the div elements so it is really strange.

any other ideas/
14 Jahre weitere
Can you post a link to your site?

If not, maybe you can check it out yourself by using the Developer Toolbar for IE or some other tool for another browser and find the element that causes the behaviour.
14 Jahre weitere
link is
English is ok and french is not
thanks in advance
14 Jahre weitere
Your layout is misaligned because the French localization text is longer than the English localization text.

1. To fix your site header & left column, open NopCommerceStore/App_Themes/darkOrange/master.css (

and change the width property in the .searchbox class at line #261

  float: left;
  width: 180px;
  display: inline;
  padding-left: 5px;

change "width: 180px;" to a larger value ("width: 200px" should work for your site)

2. To fix the Contact Us page, open file NopCommerceStore/Modules/ContactUs.aspx

at line #39 change from:
<td class="ItemName">

<td class="ItemName" style="white-space: normal !important;">

This will cause the text "Demande de renseignements" (Localization Resource name: ContactUs.Enquiry) to wrap and no longer push the textarea off to the side.

14 Jahre weitere
We'll try that
14 Jahre weitere
it worked.
although doing this on our other website in the correct app_Theme we still have the same problem.
is this caused by something else?
14 Jahre weitere
Your site appears to have been fixed, but the original store URL ( ) you provided in this thread hasn't. The changes I provided will work for both sites.

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