Updated SagePay Plugin for v2.65

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11 Jahre weitere
Hi John,

Regarding use of the plugin with one page checkout, another user contacted us about this yesterday (not sure if it was you under a different name?)

Anyway, have you tried using the plugin in "low" profile mode? You can change this in the plugin config screen.

Let me know if it fixes the problem.


11 Jahre weitere
Hi Nick,

I wonder if you can offer some help

I have set up the SagePay plugin 1.4 on Nop version 2.65 and we are getting the folowing error on test:

Error (INVALID: 3130 : The BillingState value is too long.)

We are not using one page checkout and I have tried the profile on Low and Normal.

Also tried payment and Authenticate

Is there anything you can advise to try and solve this


11 Jahre weitere
Hi Stuart,

The maximum length for BillingState with sagepay is 2 characters

The plugin as of nop(2.7) Version 1.05 does not check the length of this value and in the table in nop(2.6) that value comes from [StateProvince] has a max lenght of 100 characters.

So you probably have abbreviations that are over 2 characters in length?

Looking at nop(2.6) you can edit these values in the admin via Configuration > Countries > edit country > States and provinces tab.

The value is not required for non US states so you could alter the source code for the pluggin to prevent passing a value if country is not US

Source code for nop1.7 below which may help.

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.ShippingStateProvince))
                    if (shippingCountryCode == "US")
                        var stateProvince = StateProvinceManager.GetStateProvinceById(order.ShippingStateProvinceId);
                        if (stateProvince != null)
                            cryptBuilder.AppendFormat("&DeliveryState={0}", stateProvince.Abbreviation);


if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.BillingStateProvince))
                if (billingCountryCode == "US")
                    var stateProvince = StateProvinceManager.GetStateProvinceById(order.BillingStateProvinceId);
                    if (stateProvince != null)
                        cryptBuilder.AppendFormat("&BillingState={0}", stateProvince.Abbreviation);

Finally a link to sagepay documentation here

11 Jahre weitere
Thanks for the quick reply Dave, I will check that out.

Where can I find the source code for the Plugin? there is only a dll file in the plugin folder.


11 Jahre weitere
source code available here from Nick

Doesn't look like there is a version for 2.8 yet and as I don't have VS2012 I'm not in a position to help much past 2.65
11 Jahre weitere
Hi guys,

Cheers Dave for pointing out the length restriction - as you mentioned in an earlier post, all those fields probably need some sanity checks to make sure they don't violate the Sagepay protocol.

We'll modify the plugin to truncate the billing state to 2 chars max.

No timetable on a 2.8 release as yet, but if anyone's using 2.65 and needs this fix applying, and isn't in a position to compile the code themselves, let me know and we'll see about releasing an updated version for 2.65.


11 Jahre weitere
Thanks Nick

That would be great, I am not in a position to alter the plugin, so would really appreciate an update.

thank you

11 Jahre weitere
Hi Nick,

I need help regarding upgrading the sage pay plugin to 2.80. And need more sophisticated plugin for this, with   SSL integration for the payment and during the confirmation process where customer has to confirm the order after paying the amount. Is there  paid plugin available for this requrements?

Thanks in Advance
11 Jahre weitere
Hi Sree,

I don't have an estimate on a 2.80 release from the development guys yet.

However if you PM me your email address we may be able to sort something out for you.

As to the SSL question - just changing the notification URLs in the plugin config to start with https:// should work I think (though I'm not in front of a nopCommerce install at present so can't verify this).


11 Jahre weitere
Hi all,

We've just posted a version of the SagePay plugin compatible with v2.80:

Binary: http://www.microlitesoftware.co.uk/downloads/nopsagepayplugin280.zip

Source: http://www.microlitesoftware.co.uk/downloads/nopsagepayplugin280_source.zip

If anyone has any issues with this version please let us know. It includes all the fixes discussed previously in this thread (as far as I know).


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