Many payment providers is gateways where user needs to enter some data. In EU PCI certifications makes it difficult for a single webshop to legally recieve VISA/Mastercard data. This means we need to use a third party post processor, like Paypal Standard or the many other gateways.

What I am missing is an async mode to do this.
I am thinking
A) User confirms his order
B) Website will be "waiting" or "loading".
C) Wait until we get a response from payment gateway (Or max 3 minutes)

In this way we could always know if the user has left, if his payment was rejected, if he just closed the window etc.
And if the payment isn't there, theres no need to even save his order.
It's actually no longer a post process payment, it's more like a pre-process order, only it's with the "post process" redirect.

Let me know if you have any thoughts about this, or perhaps already done something like this?