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11 Jahre weitere
I need help with 3 things.
1) Which file will hold product images if I want to upload them along with product info on excel?

2) Is it possible to change the color of the blue bars on the nopclassic theme?

3) Is it possible to change the background color to white?

I have the color numbers, I just need to know where the code is to change it.
11 Jahre weitere
with Default settings
Product Images will be stored in file in database.

If you have already change to file structure system, then the product images will be stored into file format inside images folder.

you can just export the format of sample products and use the same one to import the product, and that should work for you.
11 Jahre weitere
Is there any chance that we can do a screen share sometime so I can see it done?
11 Jahre weitere
You're not actually uploading the images from the spreadsheet, you're just telling the program where to find those images already on the server.  You would need to upload all of the images manually (through FTP usually) and then put the full filepath of each image in the spreadsheet for it's product.
11 Jahre weitere
Thanks, both of you.
Andy, I noticed 2 different images folders in the FTP.
Does it matter which one I transfer to?
Can I put 2000 images in one folder and then transfer?
With that extra folder will the program be able to find it?
11 Jahre weitere
What were the paths of those image folders?  I ended up modifying my source so that it would grab images with matching SKUs in the filename because I didn't feel like typing them all out in the spreadsheet so my knowledge of the default process kind of ends with the basics.
11 Jahre weitere
Thanks, I think I have it.
11 Jahre weitere
How did you modify the source?
11 Jahre weitere
Jigarshah48 I just got your message.  I don't skype, any other ideas?
11 Jahre weitere
same as GTalkID
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