Installation problem ver 1.4 (timeout requested)

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14 Jahre weitere

I installed version 1.3 a week ago without any problems at all but now when I try to install version 1.4 I get the following error during setup:

An error occured: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Running scripts from file: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mjm\install\Scripts\nopCommerce_createData.sql
Running scripts from file: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mjm\install\Scripts\nopCommerce_createDatabase.sql
Creating a new database mjm

I havent changed anything on the server side and a I tried version 1.3 again and it worked.

Anyone that knows why I get this error only with version 1.4 and how can I get passed it to set it up?

Best regards Markus
14 Jahre weitere
Forgot to mention that I use Server 2008 R2 together with SQL Server 2008.
I install version 1.3 with Web Platform Installer and version 1.4 just by unpacking the files to a directory, give it IIS write ability and change the catalog to a program in IIS, is there anything else you have to do when you do it "by hand" and not use Web Platform Installer?

If I run the scripts inside SQL Server it creates the database and the data just fine.

What steps does the installation do? Do I need do do anything more than run the scripts inside SQL Server and change the connectionstring in order to get it to work if I cant get the installation to run?

Regards Markus
14 Jahre weitere
I have this same issue. I have updated the script via the Server Management Studio, and now Im stuck at step 3 of 4. And now it reports that I already have version 1.40. But the website always reidrects to the install screen.


To add here is the error that I get when I try to run the upgrade:

An error occured: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Running scripts from file: <my path to website>\install\Scripts\1.40\nopCommerce_upgrade.sql
14 Jahre weitere
yeah i get the same error as the above

An error occured: Timeout expired.
The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Running scripts from file: C:\inetpub\vhosts\sales\Source\install\Scripts\1.40\nopCommerce_upgrade.sql
14 Jahre weitere
I was able to find a work around for this issue. Here is what I did to get running. Please read and review all steps before making any changes to your system.

(Please note that I host my website and have access to the Microsoft Management Studio for my SQL Server.)

Step 1:

Make a BACKUP of your website and Database. (If you have not done so already...)

Step 2:

Create a new LOCAL website in IIS. ( I used my laptop running Vista's IIS and SQL Express )

Step 3:

Run the installer and create a new install of the nopCommerce on your local machine. Once that is completed make whatever changes you need to the site. Theme, Images Ect..

Step 4:

Update the connection string from the ConnectionStrings.config file on the website to point to your SQL Server.

Step 5:


Delete the files from the site and upload the installed files from your local machine.

Final Step:

Using the SQL Manager run the upgrade script on your database.

You should be able to view your new 1.4 website now. ;)
14 Jahre weitere
Is there a better workaround than this? I am setting this up for the first time, it just seems link a bug in the code..
14 Jahre weitere
Hi Folks,

I've just realized that this error is a kind of sql batch insert error. Which means there are too many Insert statements in a batch. According to the code a SQL batch is generated from statemenst between two GO statement from _createData.sql file. Because there are a lots of INSERT [dbo].[Nop_LocaleStringResource] ([LocaleStringResourceID], [LanguageID], [ResourceName], [ResourceValue]) VALUES..." statments between two GO statement it goes to timeout. My workaround was put some (3) new lines to divide the batch:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Nop_LocaleStringResource] OFF
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Nop_LocaleStringResource] ON

After rerun install and it works.
14 Jahre weitere
Where does it go in the code?
14 Jahre weitere
Really wish there was some better answers to this.

I am trying to move myself AND my customers to a new cart, preferably .NET from old ASP Classic... I can't even test this.
14 Jahre weitere
Better workaround? The answer posted looks pretty good to me and explained in more detail than most of us have time for.

Look in your SQL scripts. That's where the suggested change should go.

And no it is not a bug, the timeout depends on several other factors.
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