Blog detail and blog comments pages not showing up

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14 Jahre weitere
I am hoping someone can help me soon.

I have deployed nopCommerce 1.3 and everything seems to work fine except that my blog page links do not go to a corresponding detail page.

This is an example of such a link:

If I click on either the title of the blog entry or if I attempt to leave a comment, I receive the following error:

The website cannot display the page
HTTP 500  
   Most likely causes:
The website is under maintenance.
The website has a programming error...

I suspect the page name is not good, but am not sure.

There must be something I am doing wrong. Can someone tell me what that might be?

14 Jahre weitere
What modifications have you done?

This blog works fine -
14 Jahre weitere
Thanks so much for answering, but for some reason the blog now works. Oddly enough, I didn't change any settings prior to it working so I am completely baffled by what might have happened.

Anyway, it seems to work now.

On another note, I want to express my thanks and admiration for nopCommerce and the folks involved in the project. I am a developer, and really am impressed with the great code and configuration of this product. Kudos to you all and very well done!
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