Paypal Express or Google Checkout - Please Vote

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11 Jahre weitere
Currently Google Checkout is included in the official Nopcommerce solution. Our data shows Paypal Express to be much much more popular with customers. Google Checkout payments are only 3% compared to Paypal Express's 56%

I would argue that Paypal Express should replace Google Checkout in the official release and therefore benefit from proper implementation and maintenance.

Please "vote up" the post below indicating which you would choose for the official release. Google Checkout or Paypal Express
11 Jahre weitere
"Vote Up" this post if you would choose PayPal Express
11 Jahre weitere
"Vote Up" this post if you would choose Google Checkout
11 Jahre weitere
"Vote Up" this post of you would choose PayPal Express and Google Checkout
11 Jahre weitere
I think both should work with all the shippers , these are by far the most popular with paypal being top!

PLEASE PLEASE add this option, I asked for quote to do this job and was told the team had no time for it!!
11 Jahre weitere
11 Jahre weitere
wunpac wrote:
Google Checkout payments are only 3% compared to Paypal Express's 56%

Just out of curiosity, do you use PayPal Standard as well?  If so, what is the percent of customers who chose that option instead of PayPal Express?  

I can see how the Nopcommerce team might feel that 2 PayPal plugins are enough.  However, if PayPal Express gets such a great turnover, maybe it ought to be included instead of one of the little used payment plugins.
11 Jahre weitere
We did use PayPal Standard but customers much prefer Express (Anecdotal evidence. I Don't have figures). It involves much fewer steps which leads to better conversion rates. Also as a merchant it is better for the customer to be automatically redirected back to the site after payment.

With PayPal express the order is stored regardless of the ability of PayPal to send an IPN to the merchants server

With PayPal Standard "if there is any problem in PayPal's ability to communicate to your server, you will never see the order in your store (or receive the confirmation email from your store), because it relies entirely on PayPal's server being able to talk to your server in order to store the order".

Sorry to link to another ecommerce solution but it's a decent article on the differences and advantages of each

Personally I can't find a good argument for using PayPal standard. Perhaps someone could make that argument in this thread.

11 Jahre weitere
wunpac wrote:
With PayPal Standard "if there is any problem in PayPal's ability to communicate to your server, you will never see the order in your store (or receive the confirmation email from your store), because it relies entirely on PayPal's server being able to talk to your server in order to store the order".

Actually, this is true with Zen Cart.  What happens in nopCommerce is that the the order is stored, however, the payment status shows as "Pending".  You have the order, it's just not paid for.  This also happens if the customer gets the to the PayPal site but for some reason does not complete the transaction.
11 Jahre weitere
Sizzler wrote:
With PayPal Standard "if there is any problem in PayPal's ability to communicate to your server, you will never see the order in your store (or receive the confirmation email from your store), because it relies entirely on PayPal's server being able to talk to your server in order to store the order".

Actually, this is true with Zen Cart.  What happens in nopCommerce is that the the order is stored, however, the payment status shows as "Pending".  You have the order, it's just not paid for.  This also happens if the customer gets the to the PayPal site but for some reason does not complete the transaction.

As a Store Owner "Pending".  You have the order, it's just not paid for. is such a pain, and it happens more because people forget passwords , don't know they don't have a paypal account rather than comunication with paypal.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PayPal Express that works with discounts and real time shippers, (I know the plugin works for some)
would make Nop AA+.
Both PayPal Express and Google buttons on the Cart get more customers, PalPay Standard worked when you did not have to pay as many fees as other PP merchant services, but taking an order without payment is a REAL PAIN.

But Yes PalPal Standard in NOP comits the order when you hit the button for paypal before paying.
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