I have developed a payment plugin that works with redirection logic. I used as guide the Paypal standard and MyGateVirtual
My problem is that after the user confirms the order he is redirected to the paycenter site where he inputs his credit card data and the paycenter site returns to our site in  specified urls for success and failure
In the success action of my payment controller I want to redirect the user to orderdetails so he can resubmit his payment
I use a view with the following code fragment for a button that is supposed to redirect the user to orderdetails

@{ var storeLocation = Nop.Core.Infrastructure.EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Core.IWebHelper>().GetStoreLocation() + Url.RouteUrl("OrderDetails", new {orderId = Model.OrderId});
                <input type="button" name="orderdetails" value="@T("Account.CustomerOrders.OrderDetails")" id="orderdetails" class="orderdetailsbutton" onclick="setLocation('@(storeLocation)'" />

But nothing happens if the user clicks the button.
The onclick event handler is not redirecting to orderdetails.
Please help with this issue
