Additional Shipping Fees (ver 1.9)

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11 Jahre weitere

I am almost ready to go live when I noticed that there is a problem with my shipping (actually two) - -

I have additional shipping fees set for most of my products to cover "shipping and handling".  However, when a person picks up the product in the store, I do not want this applied - yet it is always applied.  How can I eliminate this?

The second problem is I have selected Canada Post in my Computation Method.  It does not calculate any shipping costs when you go to Estimate Shipping in the shopping cart.

I am a total neophyte with nop, so please if you could, try to keep the 'geek speak' to a minimum.

Thanks so much
11 Jahre weitere
<I apologize for this but I am really in need of help on this>
11 Jahre weitere
Can anyone please help with this issue?  Thanks
11 Jahre weitere
I don't know 1.x, but I suspect this might work similar to how it works in 2.x...

For Fixed Rate Shipping, set the Pickup in Store Rate to a large negative number (e.g. -999999).  NopC core will not allow a negative shipping rate result, so any product specific additional shipping charges will be offset by the large negative number, and will thus result in a $0 rate.

Regarding Canada Post not working with Estimate...
Seems odd.  What do you see?  Do fixed rates (pickup in store) appear?
Did you check the System > Log for any errors?
11 Jahre weitere
Thanks for the suggestion, but nop will not allow a negative number.  It will not allow me to save it.

11 Jahre weitere
2.x allows it.  You might be able to get it to work if you back door it by doing it right in the database table
11 Jahre weitere
Unfortunately, I am hosted with GoDaddy and that is where I am limited. :(
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