Recompile Code

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14 Jahre weitere

I am running nop v1.4 add i am currently making changes to the manufacturers module. I edit the code and build the website but the changes i have made are not working. there is nothing wrong the code as i have tried commenting out all the code and it still works. I am assuming that is it a problem with compiling the code. I am using web studio express and the only option in the menu is to build. I am in the process of installing the 2010 beta visual studio as i know this will have more options.

Am i doing something wrong when trying to compile the code?

14 Jahre weitere
1. In Solution Explorer, select or open the solution.
2. On the Build menu, choose Build Solution or Rebuild Solution.
14 Jahre weitere

this does not work when using web express 2008 as you are unable to open the solutions file.

after installing 2010 beta 2 visual studio i was able to open the solution file and use the build menu option.

this has thrown up some errors in the manufacturers code i have written which has not happened before so hopefully once this has been fixed it will work.

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