Display tax suffix - change font size

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10 Jahre weitere
I would like to change the font size for the "incl tax" suffix that is enabled when checking the box "Display tax suffix:"

The default font size is distording the price and wishlist button on every product.

How can i customize this? Thanks
10 Jahre weitere
You can try to change a font size of the following classes (in the file styles.css):

.product-grid .product-item .prices (grid view)
.product-list .product-item .prices (list view)

product details page:
.product-details-page .prices .old-product-price
.product-details-page .prices .product-price span

Perhaps you have changed something in the style, because the price with tax suffix with the default size displayed correctly.
10 Jahre weitere
I am using one of the Themes and that is probably the reason why is not displayed correctly as the default store theme.

I only want to reduce the font size of the "incl tax" and not the whole Price value that appends "incl tax",

$1000 incl tax

change to:

$1000 incl tax (incl tax with smaller fonts)

I hope i made it clearer, thanks again
10 Jahre weitere
I think, this can only be done by changing a code.
Or by using javascript on the view (for example, to parse a string with a tax suffix, put suffix in a new block and assign this block styles).

I'm not sure this is the best solution.
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