Development of a connection to Fiscal Ticketing emitting system

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10 Jahre weitere
Hi all, I hope this is the right forum to post in, if not please let me know where to post my question.
Sorry if it will be long, but I need to explain the premises.

We need to develop an addin that does what is in the subject, it can't be a general purpose addin, just a very specialized one.

A brief description:
We work in Italy, and here the emission of the tickets for any public event/show is controlled through a national organization that is managing not only the taxes and statal fees but also the Copyrighted earnings that have to be given to the teams, in a sports event or to the artists in a music or theater event.
This means that to sell tickets through the internet you need to have a system which is approved by the authority.

Our customer owns this kind of system, that is used by his customers at the box office through a web service.He already uses NopCommerce to help the sports-teams selling Merchandising, and the request he made to us is:
Can we connect the shop to our ticketing system?

Looking at how nopCommerce works, what we need to do is the following:

- After an order is confirmed, if it contains tickets, we need to contact the webservice passing the data relative to the order content, the webservice will then emit a voucher (can be a pdf file) that has to be given to the customer as a proof of purchase.
- Based on what the customer has chosen, the tickets are emitted by a Fiscal-ticketing-printer, in the office of the event organizer or the ticket seller, and send to the customer by snail-mail or they can be left in the ticketing office of the venue where the customer can redeem them using the voucher.

It can be lead back to the selling of a software downloaded by the internet so we think we don't need any particular modification to the nopCommerce store, we just need to understand where to attach our code.

Specifically what we need to know is:
- Is there the possibility to intercept the order confirmation event in NopCommerce and call our DLL?
- Reading the documentation we saw you have 2 kind of addins, plugins and widgets, what better fits our needs?
- if both the types of addins are not the right ones, can we plug to the system in a different way?

Thank you in advance for any informations
10 Jahre weitere
Create a plugin that handles Order Update Events.  Cal your webservice in there.

(Yes, this post is in wrong forum.  Use "Development";  Community Contributed Add-Ons is for already created plugins donated to community.  )
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