Paypal IPN notification url

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14 Jahre weitere
What url do I use for "notification url" on ipn settings?
14 Jahre weitere

P.S. Please keep in mind that currently only PayPal Standard is supported by IPN
14 Jahre weitere
Can we have a definition of what "supported" means? IPN sends back all kinds of messages from PayPal. Is there any documentation on what IPN messages NopCommerce handles and how?

For instance, I tested setting up the PostProcessPayment.cs module so that the user can change their ship to address once on PayPal. I did this by commenting out the following line

//builder.AppendFormat("&no_shipping=1", new object[0]);

and making sure my PayPal sanbox profile was set to not require confirmed addresses.

PayPal sandbox then let me change the shipping address to one other than what I had sent from nopCommerce or the one that is setup as my "confirmed ship to" on PayPal sandbox.

The IPN mesage generated (in the IPN HIstory on PayPal sandbox) clearly indicated that the ship to address had been changed, but the order history on nopCommerce still indicates the original addess the customer entered on the web site.
14 Jahre weitere
Is it
or ?  (aspx instead of ascx ?)

thank you
14 Jahre weitere
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