Suggestion: Product Attribute - Associated Product

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10 Jahre weitere
Myself and a few others have ran into an issue with a product having associated products. In a nutshell, the code currently allows us to adjust price, weight, etc of a "single" attribute value type but not on an "associated product". Because of this, the associated products price is automatically included and causes issues when displaying prices.

Say I want to sell product A for $10, which is made up of associated product B ($5) and associated product C ($5). I have to set product A price to $0.00 in order for the price to be $10 in the cart. Obviously if we set the price of product A to $10, it would show up as $20 in the cart. So when a customer ventures into a category, all they see is $0.00 for some products. Because of this, I have the product's price in the name of the product.

I have 2 suggestions that would help with this situation. Either handle the attribute value type "associated product" the same way as "single" (allow us to adjust price, weight, etc) or have a check box to either included or exclude the associated product's price.

I worry about this a little, just for the fact of human nature. It could cost businesses potential sales due to multiple clicks just to find out a price... the last thing people are these days is patient.
10 Jahre weitere
Thanks a lot. The same can be told about products with simple product attributes. I've just created a more general work item. Please see it for more info
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