session time to live, how to encrease

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14 Jahre weitere

after installation I have session time to live aproximatly 4 min.
how can I encrease session time live?
14 Jahre weitere
The timeout property of the forms authentication settings in web.config. See for more information.
14 Jahre weitere
Thank you for answer!

in my web.config i have configured 43200 min delay in form authentication + slidingExpiration option set true
<forms name="NOPCOMMERCE.AUTH" loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="43200" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" defaultUrl="~/default.aspx" enableCrossAppRedirects="false"/>

also in session configuration timeout option set for 20 min
<sessionState timeout="20" mode="InProc" cookieless="false"/>

but, I have no idias why my session time live is only about 4-5 minutes, more over simetimes it less than 4 min.
14 Jahre weitere
I will be very gratfull if you could send "OK" web.config file solving a problem described above.

Thanks once again,

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