Unable to configure Multi Store

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9 Jahre weitere

I religiously followed what is mentioned in "http://www.wiseinternet.com.au/support/nopcommerce/implementing-nopcommerce-multi-store-feature/" , however I am still unable to set up multi-store.

The details are:

The nopcommerce is installed for store 1.

Store 1 Configuration ->

Store Name:  Store1
Store URL:    http://abcdefgh.com/store/
Host Values:  abcdefgh.com/store/

Store 2 Configuration ->

The sub-domain "http://store1.com/store/"  is created which is pointing to "http://abcdefgh.com/store/"

Store Name:  Store 2
Store URL:    http://store1.com/store/
Host Values:  store1.com/store/

So when I browse to http://store1.com/store/ it shows the store 1 - "http://abcdefgh.com/store/" but not store 2 as some products are made visible on store 2 but not on 1.

The only difference I found is, in hosting environment, while adding the domain it allows me to select "Add Provider Sub-domain", but not "Add Domain" or "Add Sub-domain", however in tutorial the "Add Domain" is selected.

Please let me know if I missed something or if you need more information.

9 Jahre weitere
Check the other links provided in the FAQ for configuration of multi-store
9 Jahre weitere
Hi eadameg

Thanks for the reply.
I had already tried this earlier.

9 Jahre weitere
[email protected] wrote:

I religiously followed what is mentioned in "http://www.wiseinternet.com.au/support/nopcommerce/implementing-nopcommerce-multi-store-feature/" , however I am still unable to set up multi-store.

The details are:

The nopcommerce is installed for store 1.

Store 1 Configuration ->

Store Name:  Store1
Store URL:    http://abcdefgh.com/store/
Host Values:  abcdefgh.com/store/

Store 2 Configuration ->

The sub-domain "http://store1.com/store/"  is created which is pointing to "http://abcdefgh.com/store/"

Store Name:  Store 2
Store URL:    http://store1.com/store/
Host Values:  store1.com/store/

So when I browse to http://store1.com/store/ it shows the store 1 - "http://abcdefgh.com/store/" but not store 2 as some products are made visible on store 2 but not on 1.

The only difference I found is, in hosting environment, while adding the domain it allows me to select "Add Provider Sub-domain", but not "Add Domain" or "Add Sub-domain", however in tutorial the "Add Domain" is selected.

Please let me know if I missed something or if you need more information.


Hi Abhishek,

From your description it seems you are trying to use nopCommerce multi-store features with virtual directory which it doesn't support.

Pls try using different domain names or sub domains... like

store1.com and store2.com or store1.domain.com and store2.domain.com.
9 Jahre weitere
Thanks Kunal

Appreciate your reply.

9 Jahre weitere
I tried to configure multi-store on multi domains.

I added a new category and selected second store to make visible only on second store.

But the category can visible both of my stores.

first store adres : www.atlantis.com.tr
second store address : iyidilek.atlantis.com.tr
category name : Second Store Test Cat

could you please help me ?

Thank you.
9 Jahre weitere
ucakci wrote:
I tried to configure multi-store on multi domains.

I added a new category and selected second store to make visible only on second store.

But the category can visible both of my stores.

first store adres : www.atlantis.com.tr
second store address : iyidilek.atlantis.com.tr
category name : Second Store Test Cat

could you please help me ?

Thank you.

For all those category / products / manufacturers if you don't want to list on store, make sure to check a limited to store field.
9 Jahre weitere
I tried to configure again my stores.

Second store TITLE is working when I change the store.

But the categories can be seen in both stores, although I checked limitedtostores and store 1.

Can you help me ?
9 Jahre weitere

its strongly related to catalog settings. Read carefully the settings and select correct ones and it will be working properly.

Thanks to me :D
9 Jahre weitere
Thats good. What was wrong ?
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