Install on godaddy

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9 Jahre weitere
I redid it all from scratch with the same response :( Any ideas?
9 Jahre weitere
new error

Server Error in '/' Application.
Security Exception
Description: The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy.  To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator or change the application's trust level in the configuration file.

Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.]
   System.Delegate.DelegateConstruct(Object target, IntPtr slot) +0
   AutoMapper.Internal.ProbingAdapterResolver..ctor(String[] platformNames) +36
   AutoMapper.Internal.PlatformAdapter..cctor() +203

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.34212
9 Jahre weitere
So, it's permission issue, I presume error occurs while system trying to create database/ or scheme on the fly. To make it more simple can you try following

1. Connect sql sever from management studio
2. Create database
3.  Open no source or source using visual studio
4. try to run solution and  install from location machine
5. After successfull installation, copy App_Data/Setting.txt and InstalledPuligns.txt to server

Also see the post
9 Jahre weitere
I initially had a problem which, if my memory serves me correct was the same as this, forgive me if not. I have a GoDaddy Plesk account. The following solved it for me:- Log into your GoDaddy console/gateway whatever you want to call it (usually log onto GoDaddy account and click Websites & Domains). If you only see "File Manager" and "Databases" "click on show more", scroll down, you should see "ASP.NET settings", click on this then scroll down to "Code access security" if "CAS trust level is set to "Medium"set it to "Full". If yours is not a Plesk account GoDaddy support should be able to guide you in setting ASP.NET setings for your account.
9 Jahre weitere
You Bewty :) That was it!!. I set the CAS to Full and away it went. I'm not sure why that's different to doing it in the web.config but it is. I changed that. saved it, logged onto the website and it asked me to setup the database - the first time I had seen it.
that was so easy to install and setup - I don't know why godaddy makes that so hard by changing that setting.
9 Jahre weitere
I'm really glad I was able to help, I know what it is like when a problem is encountered and the error message isn't the most helpful thing in the world. It took me a fair bit of searching the web before I found this was not file permissions but Code Access Security, and then I almost missed it.

Any chance of voting up my post?
9 Jahre weitere
BTW I forgot to mention, every time I (re)deployed to GoDaddy I had to redo this, although I would have thought it could be set in web.config.
9 Jahre weitere
Maybe this could help:

In any case if you find a resolution do share it.
9 Jahre weitere
My Method To get the system to run on Godaddy. (Big Thanks to NOP-Templates and cooldrl for their pieces to the puzzle)

Go into your Godaddy account and click the + beside webhosting - Go over and click the "Launch" button revealed

Click "Add new Domain" and add your website to your Hosting

Click Add New Database on the domain your new websites area

Create an SQL Server database  Basically give it a name , create a user and a password. Save your database name, username and password.  (Remember it's all case sensitive and don't forget the _ if it assigns one to the database name) . The server address is the IP address shown under Server Address when you Click "Databases" and view your Database

Click File Manager
Click the Upload Files button
copy the contents of the nopCommerce no source package to the root folder of the website.
     - I unRared it then zipped it again. And uploaded the zip
     - when you click the zip on godaddy it unpacks everything and creates the whole directory structure.
     - don't click "overwrite files" it stops it for some reason

Give write permissions to the following files and folders:


(You do this by hovering over the directory and looking for the little down arrow (inverted carrot ^) roll over it and find the menu Change permissions) You need to click "Full Control" in  "Application Pool Group(IWPG_ your username) " and save

if you click advanced in that section you can make it do all subfolders and files (in a particular directory) in one go  

Go back to the main Plesk page (The one where you set up the databases etc) Go to your website area (If you have a couple it seems to default to the top one all the time.
If you can only see File Manager and Databases click the Show More Tab below that to open up the tools

Look for the ASP.NET Settings Icon and click

Scroll down and Find the Code Access Security Section

Set CAS Trust Level to FULL

Click OK and return to the main screen.

Then click the "Preview" link just under the website name. ( I looks like it makes it run locally)

After a little wait you should see a grey screen asking for login details.

Enter your master email address and password (make a note of these for later else you can't get in to the admin area)

Enter the database details you saved from above(I also recommend clicking the import data option if it's your first time installing)

click ok and wait for your website to install . YOU NOW HAVE A nopCommerce Commerce website on Godaddy

I deleted and reinstalled a couple of times to make sure this method worked and I could repeat it.
9 Jahre weitere
Hi we are facing the same issue .is the issue fixed please guide us if fixed
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