PayPal ~ This invoice has already been paid...

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14 Jahre weitere
I am still trying to figure out the PayPal sandbox.  Does the following message mean that the product was paid for or not?

"This invoice has already been paid. For more information, please contact the merchant."

14 Jahre weitere
I've seen the message before. In my experience Paypal keeps some sort of match on the "order number" generated by the store -- 1,2,3,4 etc., if for example I would fall back to an earlier version of my DB after some additional orders had been created, the DB starts counting from when it was backed up, and Paypal still thinks your at a later order. My advice is either update the database to match paypal, or create a few dummy orders until the error goes away...
14 Jahre weitere
Thanks for your reply, but I think I am going to back up and punt.  I found a thread that explains how the whole kabootle works and it looks like I may have missed a step or two.  For those of you interested... below is the link.

14 Jahre weitere
I was having the same problem. The paypal account had a previous store hooked to it (different store system), which had applied about 17 orders to it already.  I ended up creating some dummy orders in the nopcommerce store (as suggested in a previous post), until I exceeded the ID of 17, then paypal started recognizing the orders ok.
12 Jahre weitere
Maybe it can help someone.

Log into your PayPal Account (standard) -> Profile -> My selling tools -> Block payments -> Under Block accidental payments: select “No, allow multiple payments per invoice ID”
11 Jahre weitere
Thank you nmoncion !!!    I have 3 stores configured all sharing the same PayPal account and this was driving me crazy.   Your solution was a quick easy fix to my headach.   Problem solved!
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