How to send newsletter with images and colored background ?

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14 Jahre weitere
we all are aware of the fact that any kind of e-mail generated by nopCommerce include IMAGES/Graphics goes in Spam (in few mailboxes) OR Image is not being showed except an empty space.

we periodically receive newsletter from nopCommerce which looks like this  :

How to create newsletter something like this ? with background and images ?

But the drawback is we can't put images i guess as current HTML editor doesn't allow us to do so plus it doesn't have any templates like Fckeditor.
14 Jahre weitere
mail going into spam is probably more about the mail server you are using than anything else - and images not appearing is probably a setting on your e-mail-client

re templates
build your own template in html  - you can link from there to images stored on the internet - you use imageshack - you could upload an image to there
14 Jahre weitere
abcd_12345 wrote:
we can't put images i guess as current HTML editor doesn't allow us to do so

Click "<>" button and you'll be able to edit HTML and use <img /> tag
14 Jahre weitere
Thanks Andrei and haydie
14 Jahre weitere
Can anyone guide me how to generate newsletter like this which background color and everything
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