I am using 1.4 version NopCommerce, i was looking at the forum settings from the admin section

I tried using the HTML Editor for Forum (Admin section > Configuration > Forum > Forum settings)

I used the HTML code to post an image but still cannot do that.

Is there any way to post images on the forum ? If no, then is this feature going to be in any upcoming version.

It's just a Suggestions /Feedback  , that forum should have feature to post images, to avoid storage of images in database, nopCommerce team can implement Forum with the AJAX HTML Editor which they introduced in 1.5version (instead of Fckeditor)

It will make users to post images easily on the forums, many time we have to show something to show what issues we are facing so we use screenshot but we have to post a link as there is no feature to post images.

Hope to see a feature like this in future.