Payway Payment Plugin for version 3.7

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8 Jahre weitere
Hi, I am setting up a store for a client using Nopcommerce v3.70. The requirement of my client is for a Payway (Westpac) payment gateway. I have searched a lot and i am unable to find a plugin for the same. If anybody has had an experience with this and has been able to figure out a way around it, without the use of a plugin, please point me in the right direction.

Even a code for a different technology would be appreciated.
8 Jahre weitere
Update: I have found the source code for the Payway Payment Gateway plugin, but the Source code is for version 3.5, Is there any way to upgrade it for version 3.7?
7 Jahre weitere
Was this issue resolved? If not, please share the source code link for this and we shall update it to 3.7 for you!!

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