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15 Jahre weitere

How is it possible to be logged in after registration?

15 Jahre weitere
where can I define if a newly created user is logged in after creation?
15 Jahre weitere
Look at CustomerRegister control and FormsAuthentication class
15 Jahre weitere
I found this method FormsAuthentication.Authenticate but I cannot access Username Textbox and what about encrypted password? Am I supposed to do it manually?

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15 Jahre weitere
TextBox txtEmail = (TextBox)CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UserName");
TextBox txtPassword = (TextBox)CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("Password");
15 Jahre weitere
I have put following code in createduser and creatinguser:
     TextBox txtEmail1 = (TextBox)CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UserName");
     TextBox txtPassword1 = (TextBox)CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("Password");
     FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(txtEmail1.Text, txtPassword1.Text);

After those three lines user is still null: NopContext.Current.User == null

What am I doing wrong?
15 Jahre weitere
If you want to log in user after registration. Open Modules/CustomerRegister.ascx

Add LoginCreatedUser="true"

to the <asp:CreateUserWizard> control.

Your user will be logged in and redirected to Account.aspx after a successful registration.

Hope this helps,
15 Jahre weitere

Thanks for the reply! It was a part of the solution, I also had to add:
1) FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userNameTextBox.Text,false); in usercreated method
2) ContinueDestinationPageUrl="~/xxx.aspx" in customerregister.ascx

Thank you very much!
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