Two questions

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14 Jahre weitere
Hello all, this is my first post

i am hioping someone might be able to answer these two questions for me, i have searched the forums and havent found a diffinitive answer,

when i upload an excelspreadsheet with my products, it duplicates any products that are already in the database and then i have a huge mess.

second question, i found a post about the maximum products that can be stored in the database as 9,999, does anyone know if this can be changed? i tried emailing nopcommerce support and havent gotten a response, i have a client who has about 200,000 products and is currently using zen cart, i would like to move them to nopcommerce since its has alot more capabilities

thank you for your time and any help
14 Jahre weitere
suggest you delete everything from products / orders / variants in the database....

Then collate your products into one database to import, that way there won't be any duplicates..  nopCommerce has no way of knowing if something is duplicate or not

In terms of your amount of products, I'm not sure what limits the amount of products... but with enough snooping around I'm sure you could track it down and edit it
14 Jahre weitere
dzylildvl wrote:
Hello all, this is my first post

i am hioping someone might be able to answer these two questions for me, i have searched the forums and havent found a diffinitive answer,

when i upload an excelspreadsheet with my products, it duplicates any products that are already in the database and then i have a huge mess.

Oh boy do I agree with this one, this really screwed me up last night, and because there seems to be no "bulk delete" option in the admin UI then if you're not familiar with SQL, or don't have the tools, it could take a LONG TIME to sort out!

Products have a unique product ID in the database, but this info isn't included in the export, so no unique key to cause an update. Maybe that needs to change?

However, I may have at least a partial solution for you. Now let me prefix this with "I haven't tested this extensively", but at first glance it appears to me that if you assign unique SKU's to your products, then the "Import from Excel" will UPDATE the existing product with the same SKU instead of creating a duplicate product. Test if for yourself, but it worked for me.
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