audit existing nopCommerce application for performance

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7 Jahre weitere
Probably, this is too generic question, but still I will try to ask.
I am very new to nopCommerce.

I have client who uses nopCommerce and his problem is performance.
I have to find out what makes their application so slow and provide suggestions for improvement..

As I am very new to nopCommerce, are there some advices that can be given on how to start?
What would you do first to find the problems? Which tools would you use?
7 Jahre weitere
If you haven't done so already verify that you are not running your production site in DEBUG mode.  It's an easy check that can drastically effect performance of a MVC application.

nopCommerce has a built-in profiler for .NET ( that can provide a little insight but you must enable it first

--Go to this URL for your site: http://<<your site>>/Admin/Setting/AllSettings
--Search the "settings name" column for "miniprofiler"
--Change the value to "TRUE"
--The mini-profiler will now appear in the upper-left of your site
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