Required products/ dependent products remove from cart when parent product is deleted from cart

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7 Jahre weitere
I see there is a warning that gets thrown in the shopping cart when a product that another product is dependent on before adding to the shopping cart is deleted.

Is there a way to automatically delete the dependent product from the shopping cart if the "parent" product is deleted from the shopping cart instead of just throwing up a warning?

I don't see a setting in the admin GUI side, what about on the code side?

Thanks in advance.
7 Jahre weitere
Thanks. We have a work item for this task
7 Jahre weitere

Thanks for getting back to me.  Will this be in a future Nop Release or can it be rolled up into a plugin.  
We are using 3.7 and might stick with that version for a little while. We have some custom code going on in ours to meet our needs. If a plugin option would be available as well, that would be very helpful.

Thanks for the great product!
7 Jahre weitere
cmosqueda wrote:
Will this be in a future Nop Release or can it be rolled up into a plugin

This task is assigned to the next upcoming version of nopCommerce (3.90)
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