Task Running Twice - WebFarm (2 CPU)

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7 Jahre weitere
Hi guys.

Im using nop 3.7 with 2 CPU web farm set.

I believe everything is set ok, web.config machinekey, MultipleInstancesEnabled="True", application pool CPU..

But all task are running twice. I have updated Task.cs from nop 3.8 but the bug was not solved.

Is anyone here running nop on webfarms too?

7 Jahre weitere

When you say "all tasks are running twice", can you please be more specific?
Are you talking about the running processes in Task Manager? Processes like IIS Worker Process and MSSQL Server?

Do you have more than one website/application pool running in IIS?
Do you have more than one MSSQL Server instance running?

Maybe you are seeing one task running under LOCAL and the other as SYSTEM?
7 Jahre weitere
Hi embryo.

I mean, every nopcommerce schedule task is running twice, because my application pool has 2 CPU set (web farm mode).

I have checked web.config and all nop configurations required to run on webfarm mode. It seems to be ok.

7 Jahre weitere
Is anybody paying attention on this? Maybe nopCommerce still not ready for webfarms.
7 Jahre weitere
Hello again-

Okay, now I understand what you mean, but honestly, I do not see how this could happen. The scheduled tasks occur on a schedule. That schedule is dependent on the web server's system clock being accurate.
For example, 01:00 UTC only occurs once in a 24 hour period...perhaps your webfarm scenario has a problem with the system clock on each server not being the same, and thus 01:00 is actually occurring more than once per day??

I suggest that you synchronize your two server clocks.
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