Aftership (nopCommerce team)

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7 Jahre weitere

Love this plugin!

I add the tracking details in the shipment and the customers email is populated in AfterShip and they receive email updates...wonderful!

However, I have just turned on "allow guests to checkout" and when tracking info is added to shipment for guest users, no email is populated in AfterShip.

Any idea how I can take the email address from Order | BillAddress | Email Address instead?

7 Jahre weitere

Anyone? I will pay lol
7 Jahre weitere
It requires customization (and rebuild the project in Visual Studio).
Edit \Nop.Plugin.Tracking.AfterShip\Infrastructure\ModelEventConsumer.cs

        private void CreateTracking(Shipment shipment)
            if (_settings.AllowCustomerNotification)
                track.Emails = new List<string> { customer.Email };

(Get the Email from one of the addresses in the Order)
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