Order price doesn't update when manually add a product to order from Admin

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7 Jahre weitere
Hello Team,

I will try to write and describe this bug in actual steps what i followed so it would be easy to understand. I hope my English would not be a barrier to understanding.

Few Specifications:

NopCommerce Version: 3.80
MS-SQL SERVER Version: 2014
Setup Environment: Local IIS


1. Your nopCommerce website must be working and error free so no other issue generates while we follow steps to reproduce bug.
2. You must have an order in nopCommerce which you can edit to do following things. I placed an order with Apple MacBook Pro 13-inch product.
3. You must also log in to nopCommerce from Administrator or at least you should have access to manage/edit orders.

Steps to reproduce bug

1. Go to Sales -> Orders in your nopCommerce admin panel.
2. Select view for your order with product mentioned in prerequisites. (Open order in edit mode) Please note order total for reference.
3. Go to products tab.
4. Click on Add product button.
5. Select product named Build your own computer from the list and you will see a page to configure attributes.
6. Try selecting attributes which have prices for example, RAM = 4 GB (because it have a price). You will see, the prices in the section before attributes does not reflect product prices with selected attribute value.
7. Try selecting some more attributes value which have prices. You will see no change in product price.
8. Now, click on Add product button.
9. Go to products tab in order and you will see that this new product is now added to order.
10. Click on Info tab and see that there is no change in price (order total) after this additional product added to product.

I do not know what is exact issue because i did not tried to debug in code. I got this problem when i was showing a demo to a new customer who wanted to move on nopCommerce from magento.
So, i think we lost him now. :-(

Thank you,
7 Jahre weitere
Hi Atul,

Are you sure that you're using the latest stable version of 3.80 (not development one)? Because this task was implemented in 3.80
7 Jahre weitere
a.m. wrote:
Hi Atul,

Are you sure that you're using the latest stable version of 3.80 (not development one)? Because this task was implemented in 3.80

Hello Andrei,
Yes I am using fresh code which I downloaded yesterday and setup on local iis while skype call with customer.
7 Jahre weitere
Please see this last comment in same task for which you mentioned link in your reply.

commented 6 months ago
@AndreiMaz thanks for the fast reply. Actually, it works fine after I have tested it again. My mistake was that I thought that the product quantity will automatically calculate the total of the product itself. When I manually add the correct price for the product totals then it also has the correct order totals.

Perhaps an idea for another work item in case it doesn't fit here. To allow adding/removing/editing products in the orders without the need to calculate the totals of the product.

Thanks again!

7 Jahre weitere
atulrungta wrote:
Perhaps an idea for another work item in case it doesn't fit here. To allow adding/removing/editing products in the orders without the need to calculate the totals of the product

Sure. Here it is. Thanks!
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