Error accessing Admin Language Create DOES NOT CONTAIN A DEFINITION FOR 'NoEditorFor'

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7 Jahre weitere
Hi, I'm new to NopCommerce.

I downloaded the source code 3.90 and running it from VS 2015 and Windows 10.
Everything looks fine until I try to add a new language at the Admin control panel.
I got an error stating:

{"c:\\Dev\\NopCommerce170201\\Presentation\\Nop.Web\\Administration\\Views\\Language\\_CreateOrUpdate.cshtml(85): error CS1928: 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<Nop.Admin.Models.Localization.LanguageModel>' does not contain a definition for 'NopEditorFor' and the best extension method overload 'Nop.Web.Framework.HtmlExtensions.NopEditorFor<TModel,TValue>(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<TModel>, System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<System.Func<TModel,TValue>>, string, bool?)' has some invalid arguments"}

First, in order to access the Admin panel, I had to include to NopAdmin project in the references for NopWeb project, but I can see there is the NopAdmin structure hidden below NopWeb under the Administration folder, is the fine ? Should I include it in the project too ?

Thanks a lot.
7 Jahre weitere
When exactly have you downloaded it? Please see this commit made several days ago (it fixed that issue)

P.S. Please note that 3.90 is not released yet and should NOT be used in production environments
7 Jahre weitere
Hello Andrei!
OK, thanks a lot!
Should I download the new version or just make the change in the code ?
Thanks again.
7 Jahre weitere
xavirm wrote:
Should I download the new version or just make the change in the code ?

It's up to you

But I would personally do not use 3.90 in production now. It's better to wait for the official release
7 Jahre weitere
OK Andrei, thanks a lot!
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