nopCommerce 3.90 BETA released. Please share your impressions

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7 Jahre weitere
hope this method  bool IsMinimumOrderPlacementIntervalValid(Customer customer) in checkoutcontroller moved to factory pattern. and waiting for nop.factory :)
7 Jahre weitere
Thank you nopCommerce Team.
Start Test and Resource file check.
7 Jahre weitere
Good work Andrei and the nop team. One small thing I noticed is that the new Shipping.FixedOrByWeight plugin is targeting .NET framework 4.5.2 whereas the rest of the projects in the solution are targeting 4.5.1
7 Jahre weitere
The requirements groups feature is very impressive.
Explanation is needed for how a group could be used many times as a template

BUG: After several tests nesting requirement groups it started to fail when I wanted to add further requirements (at any level); even that I was setting the requirement content it reported that it failed to load it:

Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  
Failed to load requirement content.

This happened with "Must be assigned to customer role" and "Customer had spent X" (I didn't try others). It worked fine for a while but apparently the prblems started when I created  a group with the same name as a previous group.
7 Jahre weitere
Tecnofin wrote:

BUG: After several tests nesting requirement groups it started to fail when I wanted to add further requirements (at any level); even that I was setting the requirement content it reported that it failed to load it:

Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  
Failed to load requirement content.

This happened with "Must be assigned to customer role" and "Customer had spent X" (I didn't try others). It worked fine for a while but apparently the problems started when I created  a group with the same name as a previous group.

Tried again without duplicating group names and the problem appeared again. May it is when several (about 5+) requirements are in place and the site is slow. When adding a new one, all requirements contents are reloaded and some of them fail; not always the same fail, one time one reloads and maybe the next time it fails. The demo site I was using was a bit slow
7 Jahre weitere
Here is an example of the settings in my test:

Group Default requirement group Interaction type in this group is
Requirement Customer had spent x.xx amount  Remove requirement
Required spent amount  


Requirement Customer had spent x.xx amount  Remove requirement
Failed to load requirement content.
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Failed to load requirement content.
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Failed to load requirement content.
Group test1 Interaction type in this group is Remove group
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Required customer role  Save
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Failed to load requirement content.
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Failed to load requirement content.
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Required customer role  Save
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Failed to load requirement content.
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Failed to load requirement content.
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Required customer role  Save
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Required customer role  Save
Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  Remove requirement
Required customer role  Save
Requirement Customer had spent x.xx amount  Remove requirement
Required spent amount  


Requirement Customer had spent x.xx amount  Remove requirement
Required spent amount  


Requirement Customer had spent x.xx amount  Remove requirement
Failed to load requirement content.
Group test2 Interaction type in this group is Remove group
Requirement Customer had spent x.xx amount  Remove requirement
Required spent amount  


Requirement Customer had spent x.xx amount  Remove requirement
Failed to load requirement content.
7 Jahre weitere
Great work and worked on long list of improvements and bug fixes,

TinyMCE editor in email template is replaced with textarea, is it only because of conditional statements in the email template?
7 Jahre weitere
Tecnofin wrote:
The requirements groups feature is very impressive.
Explanation is needed for how a group could be used many times as a template

BUG: After several tests nesting requirement groups it started to fail when I wanted to add further requirements (at any level); even that I was setting the requirement content it reported that it failed to load it:

Requirement Must be assigned to customer role  
Failed to load requirement content.

This happened with "Must be assigned to customer role" and "Customer had spent X" (I didn't try others). It worked fine for a while but apparently the prblems started when I created  a group with the same name as a previous group.

Thanks for your review.
I just tested the described issue with discount requirements. And it works like a charm.
I tested this at local machine and at our internal server with many requirements and with deeply nesting and also with duplicated group names, there are no errors.
Most likely error was associated with a slow server on which you tested new version.
7 Jahre weitere
falkao wrote:
Compliments, for the neat release.

Here is one thing that could be improved and I've created the following pull request for it.

When there is more than one item to ship, those that have "ship for free" are included in weight calculation. As they should ship for free, shipment fee shouldn't consider them.
A fixed rate shipping can also be set in ByWeight mode and GetFixedRate in FixedOrByWeightComputationMethod should consider this.

Furthermore, I do see the need to revise tax calculation and functions that are involved.

ATM, tax rounding is not perfect. As there are many different aspects to consider an optimal solution has to be found.

Shoppingcart totals are recalculated several times during checkout. This should happen only when there is the need for it and it shouldn't happen after the customer has confirmed the order. For instance, there might be price changes, the customer confirms the order but new prices are applied without showing it to him. Moreover, the more recalculations there are the less performant the system is.

Order fields Incl/Excl tax are not necessary from my point of view. It is sufficient to have CustomerTaxDisplayTypeId with respective amounts. With only one type of amount field, there is lesse confusion, smaller data store, quite less code in views and functions.

Tax setup could be improved. Atm I do see the need for tax identifier codes that do show tax exemption texts on invoice. For instance, if you sell within EU, than we have to specify what type of tax exemption was set. It is not sufficient to show only a tax rate of zero.

Rounding per currency is also one of the points that should be addressed. One should be able to specify per currency how amounts, prices and tax should be rounded.

Thx, again for the great work and keep on

First off, I would like to say the 3.9 beta looks like a pretty nice upgrade. However, I do agree with a few points falkao makes, and would hopefully see them in 3.9. I think there are too many calls to the shopping cart as well. Addressing that could improve performance for sure. Also I agree that rounding config needs to be improved and did a pull request here: Maybe some developers from the EU could add more EU specific things there. Also the forum thread for that topic can be found here:
7 Jahre weitere
falkao wrote:
Rounding per currency is also one of the points that should be addressed. One should be able to specify per currency how amounts, prices and tax should be rounded


[email protected] wrote:
...Also I agree that rounding config needs to be improved and did a pull request here: Maybe some developers from the EU could add more EU specific things there. Also the forum thread for that topic can be found here:

Thanks! Please see this branch. I would really appreciate if you could download and test it out. Most probably, we'll merge it in 3.90
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