PostProcessPayment - Credit Card Number

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13 Jahre weitere

I am developing a payment module for Skipjack's API.  I am using PostProcessPayment to create a remote post, as I need to redirect to their site for authorization, but I need to include the payment information in the post as well.

It looks like all of the order.Card* properties are not populated at this point.  Do I need to set these myself, or is there a bug in my code somewhere that should be populating these fields?

13 Jahre weitere
Your problem is not clear. Do you ask the customer to submit all the information about card before redirecting? If yes, then the information will populate the card properties.Let me know if this is the case.
13 Jahre weitere
PLavelle wrote:

I am developing a payment module for Skipjack's API.  I am using PostProcessPayment to create a remote post, as I need to redirect to their site for authorization

Generally the PostProcessPayment method is used for redirect payment gateways and the PaymentModule.ascx simply informs the customer that they will be redirected.

In order to capture the card information on your site and also redirect, you will need to collect the card information from your PaymentModule.ascx and process it within the ProcessPayment method. It's been a while since I looked but providing the ProcessPayment method doesn't return an error on ProcessPaymentResult, it should fire PostProcessPayment also, allowing you to do your redirect.
13 Jahre weitere

The credit card properties the of the Order object are not populated when PostProcessCheckout is called.


I found that Skipjack had an Authorize API that I could call with a WebRequest from ProcessPayment and get an immediate response.

Skipjack, however, requires that I pass the product information along with the order ID.  It is possible to access these at this point?  Can I get the product information from the current shopping cart?

I looks like the order ID is not created until the order has been processed.

13 Jahre weitere
Which method are you implementing?  If its ProcessPayment you could get the order details by doing something like     Order order = OrderManager.GetOrderByGuid(orderGuid);
13 Jahre weitere

I believe GetOrderByGuid(orderGuid) returns null in ProcessPayment because the order has not been inserted yet.
13 Jahre weitere
You are correct.  Sorry for the hassle.
13 Jahre weitere
No hassle at all.  Thank you for replying to my post and offering a helpful suggestion.  It's always beneficial to talk these things through with other developers, especially when diving into a system like this.
13 Jahre weitere
PLavelle wrote:

Skipjack, however, requires that I pass the product information along with the order ID.  It is possible to access these at this point?  Can I get the product information from the current shopping cart?

I looks like the order ID is not created until the order has been processed.

Unfortunately since the order object is not passed to ProcessPayment you do not have access to the items.

Yes you should be able to access the customers shopping cart as it does not get cleared until after the payment is processed.

13 Jahre weitere
Thanks for the help, Ben.

What about the order id?  Has the Order object not been created at this point?
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