Product Import is not fully importing Product Attributes

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6 Jahre weitere
I am using the Excel import/export in Admin to export products into Excel, manipulate to add all my attributes to each product and group them.  Then import them back in.

It is partially working, so not sure if I have missed anything.  It is populating Product_ProductAttribute_Mapping table.  What it isn't doing is populating the ProductAttributeValue table.

I have tried doing it with on product done manually in admin and copying with another.  I have also tried leaving the productattibutevalueid as null or with a value and neither seem to make a difference.

To explain my scenario, we have about 500 products with approx 15 identical attributes.  

Any direction welcome.  I can't do this manually, it would take me weeks.

6 Jahre weitere
So, one step forward after a few hours.  Having cleared the DB of all my failed attempts.  I need to increment the ProductAttributeValueId in the excel import file myself to ensure it doesn't overlap with my table.  Happy for someone to tell me I am wrong, but this seems like an odd thing not automate.

Next problem, is that it doesn't replicate the conditions.  Given nearly every one has a condition, need to work out how to this in SQL.  Again any help welcome.
6 Jahre weitere
You can try this program - nopAdmin - which helps tremendously with product import (with support of advanced fields such as attributes and specifications)

6 Jahre weitere
Woon, I see you work for them/own it.  I have downloaded your software, but it is also lacking.  You cannot create attributes as you can in the 3.8 admin system, albeit accept if you want to do basic stuff, it is helpful.  You also have nothing for conditions.
6 Jahre weitere
You have 2 options to manage attributes. One is the Product Attribute Manager. Another is by importing the Attributes from Excel. Both of which are directly supported in NopAdmin Premier. :)

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