Edit or Configure|Access to the path ...\Plugins\Widgets.Blog\Description.txt' is denied

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6 Jahre weitere
Hi everyone , I have an issue with running the plugins i have downloaded.
the plugins installed successfully but when I want to "Edit or Configure" them server error occurred.

it seems it was happened because Description.txt file doesn't have permission , but I had 777 permission to the file and parent folder , but it still does not open edit and configure in plugins.

I 2 different error > when configure plugin :

Line 22:         @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ConfigurationActionName))
Line 23:         {
Line 24:             @Html.Action(Model.ConfigurationActionName, Model.ConfigurationControllerName, Model.ConfigurationRouteValues);
Line 25:         }
Line 26:         else

Source File: e:\AZARANWEB\bset.ir\www\Administration\Views\Widget\ConfigureWidget.cshtml    Line: 24

                    > when I want to "enable" plugin :

Access to the path .....\www\Plugins\Widgets.Blog\Description.txt' is denied.

what should I do?
I have this problem with 2 plugins and I couldn't find the right solution.
thank you by the way..
6 Jahre weitere
If you try to set 777 permission on FTP, that won't work for Windows. It only works for Linux.

For Windows, you need to use (1) File Manager if you are on Shared Hosting, or (2) File Explorer if you are on VPS.

6 Jahre weitere
we just had the same issues. so please go to admin portal ==> system informations ==> warning.  there is some more details about denied informaiton.

then check application pools on web server, if you have a correct application pool?

hope it help you!
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