Category Header Menu is Available

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13 Jahre weitere
bfranklin825 wrote:
I've hosted this code in the zip file at:

for anyone who wants to download it.

Can someone just confirm the version of Nop that the code is for that's contained in the .Zip file because I think that this is only for <1.90 versions and not for 1.90> the code in the .ZIP forlder does not work unless you are on version 1.80 or <

It would be great to have a 1.90 Version Zip with the same installation instruction and save a lot of people a lot of heart ache trying to gett this great bit of functionality working, also this would be a great addition to future version of NOPcommerce to have this included.

13 Jahre weitere
joebloe wrote:
Atta boy we3b!

I haven't looked at 1.9 in depth but it looks like the service classes took place of the manager classes.  You saved me some work.  Thanks.


I'm get the below error using 1.90 after editing the above code and following the .zip file instruction, help plase someone lol

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.

Source Error:

Line 1:  <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx.cs"
Line 2:      Inherits="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu" %>
Line 3:  <%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="SearchBox" Src="~/Modules/SearchBox.ascx" %>

These are the build errors I'm getting in ms visual developer express , I can see the new files in the /modules folder so they are there, what am I missing????

Error  1  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1  

Error  2  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21  

Error  3  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1
Error  4  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21
Error  5  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1
Error  6  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21
Error  7  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1
Error  8  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21
Error  9  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1
Error  10  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21  

Error  11  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1
Error  12  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21  

Error  13  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1
Error  14  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21  

Error  15  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1
Error  16  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21  

Error  17  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1  

Error  18  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21
Error  19  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1
Error  20  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21  

Error  21  Could not load type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\Modules\HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx  1
Error  22  Unknown server tag 'nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu'.  C:\Documents and Settings\Rob\My Documents\My Web Sites\nopCommerce1\MasterPages\Root.Master  21  

Source File: /Modules/HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx    Line: 1

Thanks, Rob
13 Jahre weitere
Please post your editing steps. I have completly recreated the menu.. I can resolve all problems! But you must explain me it...
13 Jahre weitere
we3b wrote:
Please post your editing steps. I have completly recreated the menu.. I can resolve all problems! But you must explain me it...

Excellent and thanks for your offer of help.

Firstly I did this ~

Downloaded the zip file and followed this steps

For all:

1. Open Root.Master from the MasterPages folder
2. Replace this line of code (around line 4):
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="HeaderCategoryMenu" Src="~/Modules/HeaderMenu.ascx" %>
with this:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="HeaderCategoryMenu" Src="~/Modules/HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx" %>
3. Replace this line of code (around line 19):
<nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu ID="ctrlHeaderMenu" runat="server" />
with this:
<nopCommerce:HeaderCategoryMenu ID="ctrlHeaderCategoryMenu" runat="server" />

For nopCommerce source:

1. Open project in visual studio.
2. From solution explorer and under nopCommerceStore, right click Modules folder and select Add-->Existing Item.
3. Browse to HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx and select.  Repeat for ascx.cs and designer.cs files.
4. Right click darkOrange folder from App_Themes and select Add-->Existin Item.
5. Browse to categoryheadermenu.css and select.

I then opened your 1.90 code as in this thread and copied the content over the code in the 2x modules HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx and HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx.cs

Rebuilt the project in ms visual 2010 express and got the errors reported.

Again thanks for the help offer.
13 Jahre weitere
we3b wrote:
Please post your editing steps. I have completly recreated the menu.. I can resolve all problems! But you must explain me it...

Hi We3b,

Any clues that you can offer on the errors you can offer would be really helpful. I am desperate to get this code working as this offers a fantastic solution to what I'm looking for if it works.

Regards Rob
13 Jahre weitere
Hi Rob,

I can't say exactly what your problem is but the error suggests that the compiler does not know where your HeaderCategoryMenu is.  Some things to check on.

1. Did you add HeaderCategoryMenu.ascx to your solution via Solution Explorer or did you just drop it in the source folders?  There is a difference.  Use Solution Explorer.

2. Double check that you are using nopCommerce source code edition.  If you are using the pre-compiled version then rebuilding your solution will have no effect.  You would need to change your control tags from code-behind to code-file.  The instructions are for the source code version.

3. When you publish your site choose the "Delete all source files before publishing..." option.  Sometimes there are some artifacts laying around.

Number 1 is my first guess.  Hope this helps.

13 Jahre weitere
Ok, this is where I appear to be very Dumb so bare with me.

I'm using Web Matrix and mvwd 2010 express, for which I'm not really sure on how to use very well, very new to me.

I have a project nopcommercestore.csproj C# file that contains all the code ect does this mean I have the source version, pretty sure it does??

I think that by using both the above tools I maybe creating two versions??

When opening the nopcommerce, do I open it using the .csproj file or by opeing the folder containg all the file (nopcommerce) maybe this is where things are going wrong for me.......

13 Jahre weitere
Ok. Now we are getting warmer!

IMHO, web matrix sucks!  Why do I need an installer that sits on top of windows installer to install something.  I have had nothing but problems with web matrix.  Don't use it.

Goto nop homepage and download the 1.9 source version.  Extract it somewhere, open the folder and click on VS10 looking icon that says NopCommerce (not the hidden one if you see a hidden file).

Next, follow the instructions in the help file and then publish your website.  If you have never configured nopCommerce without web matrix you will have a few hiccups trying to figure out what to do.  This is normal and this site is loaded with help that can address this.  You will more than likely get frustrated but once you get it then you can handle any errors that may come up in the future for your clients.

I am off the mountain (6" of fresh powder) but post again if you get stuck.

13 Jahre weitere
Ok, I've downloaded the 1.90 source code, using MVDS 2010 I've created the site locally, I've added the 3x new modules to the Modlues folder and then amended the code to that of WE3BS ammended 1.90 code, added the .css file to the theme folder and amended the Root.Mast file with the instructed changes on the Readme.txt and ran in the project in debug.

The nopcommerce compiled without showing any error's but now the Header Menu is completely missing, No home buttons, no new Categories nothing???????

I'm total lost????? Any idea's........

13 Jahre weitere
Did you add the files through solution explorer?  Right click modules folder-->select add existing item.
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