3.70 - 4.00 The path in 'value' must start with '/'.

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5 Jahre weitere
We've upgraded a site from 3.70 to 4.00. Ran the scripts on the database to go from 3.70, through to 4.00, but get the following error?

ArgumentException: The path in 'value' must start with '/'.
Parameter name: value
Nop.Web.Framework.Infrastructure.Extensions.ApplicationBuilderExtensions+<>c.<UseNopExceptionHandler>b__1_1(HttpContext context) in ApplicationBuilderExtensions.cs, line 81

Just to add, the site runs fine on a fresh install database - the problem comes from when we try to connect to an 'upgraded' database.

Anyone had any similar issues?

5 Jahre weitere
I love how this community comes to the aid of others..............

Anyway, for those that may come across this when upgrading, checking the logs in SQL Server helped me work out what the issue was.

Prior to shutting the stores down, we failed to turn off bundling / minification. That's it... was simple as that! Logged into SQL Server, went to the settings table and manually set that value to false.
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