Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged small issue

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13 Jahre weitere

Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged is considering ProductVariants which Deleted=1 leading to problems with sorting.

I've fixed it by simply putting an "AND pv.Deleted=0" in the where clause.

13 Jahre weitere
I've just noticed things are a bit more complicated than that. Actually we can indeed have products and no productvariant. The only problem is that when trying to sort, the stored procedure will take in consideration deleted product variants.

So instead of only adding:


it will only work with

        @OrderBy=0 OR pv.Deleted=0
13 Jahre weitere

        @OrderBy<>0 AND pv.Deleted=0
13 Jahre weitere
Correction # 2:

        @OrderBy=0 OR (@OrderBy<>0 AND pv.Deleted=0)

My bad! :P
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