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13 Jahre weitere
The prices on my product pages are showing up as $NaN, but shows correctly in the cart.  Does anyone know what's going on?
13 Jahre weitere
I have this happening too, but with just one item that i've found so far.  The price shows fine for me on the category page, but on the product page says "$NaN (USD)".  You can still add it to the cart and it works...but this is just odd.  I came on to the forums here to see if anybody else ran into this while I look for a solution myself.  nopCommerce v 1.80.

If anybody has anything I would appreciate it.

Editing to add links:

Category Page:  http://blowsion.com/category/49-accessories.aspx?pageindex=2 Handle Bar Clamps
Product Page:  http://blowsion.com/products/714-handle-bar-clamps.aspx


13 Jahre weitere

13 Jahre weitere
Thank you very much for the quick pointer to the solution :)

Guess the other thread didn't show up for me because my search term was $NaN
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