DNN Integration

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13 Jahre weitere
Hello all,
I am new to the nopCommerce Community, I just downloaded it a couple of weeks ago and have been getting familiar with the GUI and coding.
I was wondering if anyone has had any success with integrating nop into DNN for eCommerce? My work needs a solution for their giftshop and I was thinking that maybe we can somehow make the authentications play nice, but really not sure about that...
Any thoughts?
13 Jahre weitere
It may help if some of us knew what DNN means. You should never use an acronym before you've spelled it out completely somewhere in your writing.
13 Jahre weitere
My mistake,
DNN = DotNetNuke
13 Jahre weitere
I've just converted nopCommerce into a DotNetNuke module, for more info, please, visit this: www.sysdatanet.com
12 Jahre weitere
Sysdatanet did some work on this but they appear to be out of business.

Here at Information Results, we have worked extensively with DNN (since IBuySpy!) and nopCommerce (since V1.6).  Would be interested in partnering on an effort to integrate the two.
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