Category images on category page

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5 Jahre weitere

I'm currently building a nopCommerce site using v4.0, all going well, but have come across a small issue I can't figure out. When setting up my product categories you are able to add a separate category image for each one, I expected this to be viewed at the top of the category product listing page, but nothing shows, is there some setting I am missing somewhere to be able to show the category image?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

5 Jahre weitere
Is category listing on top of the category page?

On category page, at top of the page only child category will display. Make sure you configured child catgegory on your nopCommerce store.
5 Jahre weitere
Hi Raju,

Thanks for getting back to me, I want to display the parent category image, as the sub categories are displayed as links, see screenshot, do you know how I can display the parent image?

Many thanks again

5 Jahre weitere
Hi Nick,

You can develop widget plugin and display category picture on widget.
5 Jahre weitere
You can add below code snippet in -> Views\Catalog\CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml
(if you are using theme than add at -> \Themes\<THEME_FOLDER>\Views\Catalog\CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml) view page whenever you want display current category picture.

            string categoryPictureURL = "";
            var _pictureService = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Services.Media.IPictureService>();
            var category = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Services.Catalog.ICategoryService>().GetCategoryById(Model.Id);
            categoryPictureURL = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(_pictureService.GetPictureById(category.PictureId));

        <img src="@categoryPictureURL" alt="@Model.Name"/>

If you want to add it before sub-category listing, than add it after  
@Html.Widget("categorydetails_before_subcategories", Model.Id)
line and before comment  

check this screen shot. This will help you.
5 Jahre weitere
Many thanks Raju,

Your solution worked perfectly, I just needed to add the @using Nop.Core.Infrastructure; at the top of the page for it to work.

Have a great day


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