Display Stock Availability

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13 Jahre weitere
When I set the manage stock option to "Track inventory for this variant by product attributes" the options to display stock availability and display stock quantity disappear. When I view the product that has size & colour variants with varying stock levels the stock level & availability are not displayed. I can't see anythign in the variant config to set the display of the stock level. How can I display the stock level for product variants with size/colour? I'm using the demo store that comes with 1.80
13 Jahre weitere
To disable stock check we change :



line 820

            switch ((ManageInventoryMethodEnum)productVariant.ManageInventory)
                case ManageInventoryMethodEnum.DontManageStock:
                case ManageInventoryMethodEnum.ManageStock:
                        if ((BackordersModeEnum)productVariant.Backorders == BackordersModeEnum.NoBackorders)
                            if (productVariant.StockQuantity < quantity)
                                int maximumQuantityCanBeAdded = productVariant.StockQuantity;
                                //if (maximumQuantityCanBeAdded <= 0)
                                   // warnings.Add(string.Format(IoC.Resolve<ILocalizationManager>().GetLocaleResourceString("ShoppingCart.QuantityExceedsStock"), maximumQuantityCanBeAdded));
                case ManageInventoryMethodEnum.ManageStockByAttributes:
                        var combination = IoC.Resolve<IProductAttributeService>().FindProductVariantAttributeCombination(productVariant.ProductVariantId, selectedAttributes);
                        if (combination != null)
                            if (!combination.AllowOutOfStockOrders)
                                if (combination.StockQuantity < quantity)
                                    int maximumQuantityCanBeAdded = combination.StockQuantity;
                                    //if (maximumQuantityCanBeAdded <= 0)
                                        //warnings.Add(string.Format(IoC.Resolve<ILocalizationManager>().GetLocaleResourceString("ShoppingCart.QuantityExceedsStock"), maximumQuantityCanBeAdded));
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