Shipping - Don't show certain options based on weight

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13 Jahre weitere
Good Evenng,

Something I have found a bit stupid with the Shipping part of the shop and wondering if there is a fix?

Basically I have several shipping options all based by weight. For instance:

1 to 2 Day    0kg to 0.1kg  £0.50
1 to 2 day    0.101 to 0.25 £1.00
Courier        10    to 14.9   £20.00
Online                                0.00

You get my gist.

Right for instance my courier option only starts at 10KG or higher I have not entered anything under 10KG so if I put a 0.100 weight item into my basket and goto checkout it gives me the Courier option at £0.00 - when truly I haven't put in an option to ship a 100gramm item via courier. I want that option to not appear.

Any way of doing this?

13 Jahre weitere
I have made this change in my shop (which is based on 1.6), you need to change the code to get this done, it's a matter och adding a line of code.

Find the function called "public ShippingOptionCollection GetShippingOptions(ShipmentPackage shipmentPackage, ref string error)" in the file ShippingByWeightComputationMethod.

Add the below line just above the line:

if (SettingManager.GetSettingValueBoolean("ShippingByWeight.ShowOnlyMethodWithWeightInRange", true) && shippingByWeight != null)

So it looks like:
                if (SettingManager.GetSettingValueBoolean("ShippingByWeight.ShowOnlyMethodWithWeightInRange", true) && shippingByWeight != null)
                    // Only add this option if the weights are in the correct zone.

Build and deploy, that's it...

13 Jahre weitere
Thanks for the reply. Do you know what file its located in as I can't open the project in VS08 just downloaded the VS10 trial to edit it and that can't open the project either so If I know what file I can just open it in notepad to edit.

13 Jahre weitere
Find the file here:
13 Jahre weitere
Hi, Thanks I think I have found where its meant to go but the project will not open in VS so that I can build it???

Am I doing something wrong? I have downloaded and installed VS 2010 Pro Trial but it says the project was made in a different version but its .net 4 so must be 2010.

Can someone provide some help for me or if they are able to build my files I would greatly appreciate it.

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