nopCommerce Product Images

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13 Jahre weitere
Just trying to understand the nop picture layout...

Media.Images.StoreInDB = true by default

I upload a single picture for product id 485. Display order is left at 1.
This picture is 400x267 when uploaded.
This upload creates a record in the nop_Picture table:
PictureID: 185  <Binary data>  image/jpeg  False
Followed by a record in the nop_ProductPicture table:
PorductPictureID: 119  ProductID: 485  PictureID: 185  DisplayOrder: 1

This upload adds the following image to the images\thumbs folder:
0000185.jpeg 400x267 - original image
For each page load that needs a different version of the original, the following images are created in images\thumbs:
0000185_80.jpeg 80x53 - thumbnail image used in cart
0000185_125.jpeg 125x83 - Used in category listing
0000185_300.jpeg 300x200 - Used when viewing product details

If I then change Media.Images.StoreInDB = false

No images show up for product id 485 in the frontend
The db still has the following records as expected:
nop_Picture: PictureID: 185  <Binary data>  image/jpeg  False
nop_ProductPicture: PorductPictureID: 119  ProductID: 485  PictureID: 185  DisplayOrder: 1

When viewing this product in the backend the image shows up as no image.
I delete the old image and records and re-upload the original image and it creates the nop_Picture and nop_ProductPicture records with new ids along with the different img sizes when viewed.
As additional images are added for a product, they will have a 000xxx_70.img created in the thumbs folder which is used on the details page as thumbnails.

Does not all of the above occur whether i have StoreInDB set as true or false?
The only difference being that when StoreInDB is true, the Original image is stored in the db?
I plan on using nop with StoreInDB set to false unless i am missing something else in how the picture layout works. Who prefers to use the DB to store there images?
13 Jahre weitere
Please take a look at this:

Hope it helps...
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