Installation Help VS2010 SQL Server Express 2008

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13 Jahre weitere
Need a little help, I downloaded the install files, full source and ran the solution using VS2010 that installed with no problem. What I would like to do now is be able to run it from within IIS on my local machine so that I know that I can run it from IIS when I try and upload and run from the server. I have the pdf user guide, but seemed a bit vague on that part. I did see about a no source version then upload via ftp to run the install, is this what I should do for testing on a local machine and then on final install on server or can it be full source as well. I am just not sure the next steps to install after running the solution vis VS2010 and how to get that installed in IIS or server...

Any help is much appreciated.

13 Jahre weitere
You need to publish via Vs2010.
So, copy complied files to web site folder under IIS. IIS must be enabled for .net 4, so you need enable .net 4 for that website.
13 Jahre weitere
IN VS2010 when I choose publish option I get a publish dialog, I am not sure what options or settings that I need to use in order for this to work.

13 Jahre weitere
I'm using:

Build config: release
Pub Method: File System
Target Loc: a dir on disk

After, you can copy files into webdir via FTP or not.
13 Jahre weitere
I ran the publish as you said,but now when I try and run the site via localhost I get an error. Here is the error that is displaying. Cannot open database "NopCommerce" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\ASP.NET v4.0'.
13 Jahre weitere
Not use AppPool login. Made a Database Login and setup web.config (ConnectionString) with new login to access Db.
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