Google Analytics

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15 Jahre weitere
Hey guys,

It would be a great feature to have integration with Google Analytics!

15 Jahre weitere
Thanks! I'll add this to our roadmap
15 Jahre weitere
How much integration are you looking for? Do you just want to be able to set up your site to work Google analytics without manually altering your pages to include the tracking code?
15 Jahre weitere
ben, i am not sure if it is worth the effort, at least at this stage of the development.
there are quiet few tools to integrate google analytics and similar scripts.

to mention few, MouseTrends... a script the is used by thousands of site and is very efective and easy to setup.

what do you think.
15 Jahre weitere
That would be great! It would be very useful to include Google Analytics code in a central location like web.config so it can track all pages without modifying each. I would think a lot of people would find this feature handy...
15 Jahre weitere
Just to confirm - if you want to track all pages, then just include the Google tracking code within the <head></head> section of main.master.

This will then track all pages.

If we want to make it easier to add this (without having to actually change the source of main.master) we can just extend SEOHelper to plug in the script and provide means of storing this within administration (some more etc. settings would do the trick B-))

Altering main.master though will work fine, and is the method i use on all my sites (much easier than altering individual pages).
15 Jahre weitere
nopCommerce team | retroviz wrote:
Just to confirm - if you want to track all pages, then just include the Google tracking code within the <head></head> section of main.master.

Google analytics script goes just before </body> tag !
or you are talking about some other tracking script ?
15 Jahre weitere
You are right - "Copy the following code block into every webpage you want to track immediately before the </body> tag."

Google videos show the script within <head> tags which is where I have always placed it - and it has always worked.

But yes probably better to have loaded last so before </body> is correct.

13 Jahre weitere
When you say main.master,

Do you mean main.master under Administration folder?
13 Jahre weitere
NikolasL wrote:
When you say main.master,

Do you mean main.master under Administration folder?

No, MasterPages\Root.Master
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