Prodcuts folder and 67-build-your-own-computer.aspx page

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13 Jahre weitere
I installed Nop Commerce software into my computer to try it.
I expect  there are a products folder and a 67-build-your-own-computer.aspx page since when I click Build Your Own Computer link on the home page, it brings me to URL http://localhost:1675/products/67-build-your-own-computer.aspx. However I could not find the Products folder and the 67-build-your-own-computer.aspx page.  Does anyone could tell me why? Thanks
13 Jahre weitere
"URL Rewriting"
13 Jahre weitere
Thank you so much for your promptly reply.  Does Nop Commerce use IIS bulit-in url rewriting function or it has its classes to do url rewriting (if yes, could you please tell me which classes)? Many thanks!
13 Jahre weitere
nopCommerce uses URL rewriting classes, not the IIS stuff... I've seen the files but I don't know exactly where the files are, but if you look through the solution you can find them pretty easy.
13 Jahre weitere
on the "" please select "SEO/Display" tab. Your can enable or disable "URL rewriting" and modify the default url rewriting formats.
13 Jahre weitere
also please see Product.aspx, Category.aspx, etc pages and templates
13 Jahre weitere
Thank you all.
I think NopCommerce uses UrlRewriteingNet.UrlRewrit component that is an open source component (

This component is defined in the web.config file.

The url rewriting mapping is defined in the UrlRewriting.config file, such as

<add name="ProductDetailsRewrite"
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