I've Integrated an Excel Bulk File Upload w/ Pictures (images)

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12 Jahre weitere
Hi guy's will this work with 2.3.

Kind regards
12 Jahre weitere
It's already built into 2.3 (2.2 also). If you export some products to .xls you will see the last columns are for the picture locations. You will need to put in the full true path to where the pics will be on your server, i.e. "D:\websites\domain.com\wwwroot\images\ect. etc." or whatever your path will be.

If you download some products that already have pictures it will give you the path.

Hope this helps...
12 Jahre weitere

Thank you for the quick reply it was great help, I exported the product xls sheet as advised I have the image in the correct file and path but it's coming up with this,


I'm working of V10 with source code and localhost.

As you can see instead of uploading an image of an apple it uploaded noDefaultImage.gif.

This may sound incredibly stupid but I'm an novice to the ECommerce and nopcommerce world is it worth placing the images into the file and uploading the xls sheet with the correct path and image name replacing all the feilds with what I need. I'm testing 10 images with product code/sku before I attempt to upload 13,000.

I attemped to upload one product and image via the excel file and was hit with

Can not open the package. Package is an OLE compound document. If this is an encrypted package, please supply the password

All help will be highly appreciated.

Kind Regards

12 Jahre weitere
Hey Richard,

I will try to help, but I am no guru with nopCom either, but I do know a little so hopefully we can get this sorted for you. I didn't really get exactly what your problem is from your message, but the nodefaultimage.gif is just a default image that nopCom inserts for products that have no image.

What I think you might be doing is putting the local path to the images on your computer into the spreadsheet and uploading expecting the images to be uploaded with the .xls. It doesn't work like this I'm afraid. When hrdfsique first wrote this mod that was how it worked, but now in nop it works a little handier :)

What you need to do it upload all your pictures to the "images" folder on your hosing webserver using filezilla or something. You then need to point to these pics using the actual path they are stored in on the server. If you don't know what this is then upload a picture to a product manually using the admin panel, then download that product to an .xls and you should have the correct path to the images folder. Mine is "D:\xxxxx\website.com\wwwroot\images\xxxxx\imagefilename.jpg", remembering this is local on my webhost's server, not my local computer.

Once you have this information correct and you upload the .xls again, all your products will be updated with your pictures!

The only thing to watch for is, if you upload the same .xls sheet agian, remember to remove the reference to the pictures if you have already uploaded them and they have updated on your site. If you don't it will add another one of the same pictures to the product for every time you upload the sheet with the reference.

I hope this has helped you, but if I have been incorrect in thinking what you are doing wrong then post back and we'll see what we can do to help further...
12 Jahre weitere
Howdy Glenn

Thank's again!!!!

Just walked into the office, we have a local server in house that I'm testing on before we find a host.

I'm going to test now and I will get back to you with the result. Fingers crossed.

12 Jahre weitere
Allright Glenn,

Changed the file to match my product setting's and correct path to file-system image directory but I get struck with

Can not open the package. Package is an OLE compound document. If this is an encrypted package, please supply the password

I have Google it but I don't have a clue. I tried the upload as xls but I have been reading on different articles xlsx format is required but on my version of excel I don't see this option??

Once again any help would be highly appreciated

Kind Regards

12 Jahre weitere
As far as I'm aware, either .xls or .xlsx will do. They are just different versions of Microsoft Office, xlsx being the later version. I have just exported my product list now and it came down in .xls "products_2011-12-13-11-11-38_3335.xls", so your version should be fine.

I don't know what that error is you are getting, I have never seen it before. How are you loading up the site, are you using Visual Studio/VWD or IIS? And are you sure you are putting the images in the correct location?

What about if you just download your product list and manually add a couple of items to the end, make sure to use the same format as the current items. You could just copy a couple of rows and change the names/description & SKU. Then leave out the pictures for now and see if you can upload again and if you see the products on your site.

I would recommend putting it up on the web maybe just with a test domain. You could always use this test domain in the future for testing with. Domains and hosting are so cheap now that this would be worth it.

I hope you can get this sorted but I don't really know what else to advise.

Maybe someone else can comment on Richard’s issue if they have any ideas?
12 Jahre weitere

Really happy just got the first image connected to product sku code and visible on the front end. I'm running of Visual Studio/VWD on a development server, I deployed the solution and installed successfully but I couldn't move the files to IIS I would prefer to convert it into an application/virtual directory as I have to launch the solution every time I restart my Server. We can't go onto to testing server as we are bringing the company's database across with live replication of stock control.

I think the following reason's may have been the failure of the insert

. I changed the name of the exported file. I restored it back to its original name.
. I was also operating on Excel 2001 which wouldn't save as xlsx file so I installed 2010.

Away it went.

Over the moon this side.

But this is just the start, the company I work for has over 10,000 products the images are not correctly named so I may have to re map them which is a feet in it's own right. (Not really my job though)

One other quick question concerning the category's, I know it can be exported as a XML file but is there a way of importing it again or do they all need to manually put in to the back end.
12 Jahre weitere
Sorry one last thing may have jumped to far ahead here. The Product Id needs to be mapped to the product is the way of doing this as I noticed the SKU is part of the variant product??
12 Jahre weitere
wertyuio1 wrote:
. I changed the name of the exported file. I restored it back to its original name.
. I was also operating on Excel 2001 which wouldn't save as xlsx file so I installed 2010.

Don't know why this would cause an issue, I change the name of my exported files all the time. I name them the same as my category it’s contents belong to. And I have used .xls and .xlsx and both work fine. But if it fixed it for you then great!

Categories - You can created directly in the database using a tool like SQL Server management studio. Either directly edit the table and create the categories, or if you have a lot of categories to create and you have the know-how, or have someone that has, I'm sure this could be done via an SQL script.

SKU - This is part of the variant (I think), but it is a unique identifier for the system. Once you have set one for a product do not change it in your product spreadsheet or you will have multiple products created after you upload again. I usually do all my product uploads from my .xls file and name my image the same as I name my SKU. Easier for managing and uploading.

One other thing on the categories, you can map products to specific categories (and manufacturers) also using the spreadsheet. You just need the category ID which you can get from the database, or from a downloaded product list if you have assigned products to categories.

Hope this helps and good luck...
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