Administration Roles

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13 Jahre weitere

I am trying to define some administration roles which it seems like I should be able to do, but I appear to be missing something.

I have gone into the Access Control List (/administration/acl.aspx) and specified that my Customer Role 'Content Editors' are allowed to 'Manage Topics' and Manage ACL' So in theory they should be able to login and manage topics in the administration panel.

However when I attempt to login with a user that is set up in the 'Content Editors' role it doesn't let me log into the administration panel. It just refreshes the page. Do I need to change a setting that allows the Content Editors role to log in to the admin panel. It appears as if only users set up as Global Administrators are allowed to log in.

Thanks in advance for your help.
13 Jahre weitere
I solved my own issue with a bit more digging.

I hadn't ticked 'Is Administrator' against the user.
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