Manufacturer List

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13 Jahre weitere
That was changed in version 1.90. In this case replace
var manufacturers = this.ManufacturerService.GetAllManufacturers();

var manufacturers = this.ManufacturerService.GetAllManufacturers().Take(10);
13 Jahre weitere
I sensed that and actully tried it, but getting error on

if (manufacturers.Count > 0) saying ">" is not allowed..

any thoughts?
13 Jahre weitere
Ohh, sorry. Use "var manufacturers = this.ManufacturerService.GetAllManufacturers().Take(10).ToList();"
13 Jahre weitere
Worked like a charm!
Thanks and keep up the superior work. Looking forward to 2.0
13 Jahre weitere
I had a similar list of manufacturers that were too large and just got it to show a random 10 each time by using something like:

System.Random oRand = new Random();
            int nManufs = 10;
            while (manufacturers.Count > nManufs)
                manufacturers.RemoveAt(oRand.Next(0, manufacturers.Count - 1));
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